Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thank You, Durkin Family!

After some sleuthing, I discovered that the precious Ballerina Bear Robeez Soft Soles came from the lovely Durkin family!  Thank you all so much!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ballerina Bear Robeez Soft Soles

Somebody generously sent this beautiful pair of shoes to Daddy's tiny dancer!  But who sent them?!?   We would love to know.  In the meantime, thank you so much, whoever you are!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kira's First Trip to Diddy Riese!

I know, I know, this makes no sense after my Brazil Butt Lift post.  But Kira & I were in Westwood today and you can't go to Westwood without going to Diddy Riese.  But don't worry, we only picked up two cookies for Pres and one cookie for me.*

*Okay, fine, I have a confession.  I had an ice cream sandwich.  What can I say?  Who knows when we'll go to Diddy Riese again?!?!?

Baby-Modified Brazil Butt Lift? Challenge Accepted!

Every time I have tried to exercise since Dr. Katz cleared me to do so, Kira has decided that she wants to be held.  This makes exercising unbelievably difficult.  Actually, I've found it's made exercising near impossible.  The only exercise other than walking that I've been able to get away with has been the Chicks-n-Chickens Lullaby Exercises, which are designed for mothers holding their babies.  But I am skeptical that the Chicks-n-Chickens Lullaby Exercises are going to help me get rid of the baby weight.

I was determined to exercise today.  So I popped the Brazil Butt Lift DVDs in and thought I'd give the Bum Bum Rapido workout a try.  I should be able to do 10 minutes without interruption, right?  Wrong.  Kira was not fooled by the plush toy balls on her mamaRoo.  So I picked her up.  Only this time, I did not give up on exercising.  I held Kira as I clumsily attempted the workout, albeit a modified version of the exercises.

And you know what?  I finished the workout!  And I've decided that I'll just keep trying, even if I have to hold Kira while I do it.  I'll never have a Brazilian bum-bum anyway, so why not do what I can with Kira in my arms?  So yes...a baby-modified Brazil Butt Lift?  Challenge accepted!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Airport Park

Lady has never been big on dog parks.  Pres & I used to take her to the Westminster Off-Leash Dog Park in Venice when she was younger, but we quickly learned that Lady much preferred to socialize with (beg from?) people than play with other dogs.  So we stopped taking her and snuck her onto the beach in the Marina instead.

Well, Kira, Lady & I needed to get out of the house because Arminda was cleaning and I got the feeling the three of us were in her way (we stayed in the nursery all morning; she had to go in there eventually, though).  So, I picked up a Hawaiian Grilled Chicken Salad for lunch and headed to the Santa Monica Airport Park.  We parked the stroller at a bench, and I proceeded to eat my salad while Kira napped in her stroller and Lady...well, you know Lady...she begged for my salad.

There was a pack of dogs rough-housing, and a few dogs were chasing after tennis balls.  One tennis ball landed near us, and Lady ventured a few steps away from us to sniff that dog.  Another dog came over and sniffed the stroller...and then my salad, so of course Lady growled at that dog and scared it off.  Yep, that was the extent of Lady's interaction with the other dogs in the park.

But just look at her smile.  So what if she doesn't play with the other dogs?  She sure seems happy to be at the park!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Amanda!

I hope you like my outfit!  ;)
I'll give you a birthday kiss in a week at Lennon's Baby Sprinkle!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Yogi Beans

"Yogi Beans' unique, age-specific curriculum translates the practice of yoga into a language kids can understand and enjoy.  Infused with music and age-appropriate props, Yogi Beans’ classes are a balance of structured and creative activities which incorporate free-flowing movements with traditional yoga postures.  Each element develops body awareness, coordination, flexibility, and self-confidence.  Children are reminded that 'yoga is a practice, not a perfect.'  The importance of playfulness, non-judgment and a non-competitive attitude is emphasized throughout the series."

I enrolled Kira in the Me & My Parent and Family Yoga Class: "A combination of gentle baby asanas and mom-centered Vinyasa sequences, this post-natal yoga class helps you reclaim your pre-pregnancy physique while providing more time to build close bonds with your new child.  The class focuses on the child’s sensory stimulation with the use of calming baby massages and songs."

Kira and I were supposed to start last Thursday, but we could not go because I had a previously scheduled brain MRI (which did not happen, but that is a different story).  I am so disappointed to report that we will not start today, either, not only because Kira is still under the weather after her vaccinations yesterday, but also because I am unwell and I do not want to expose the other moms and babies.  Fingers crossed we actually go next week!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kira's Two-Month Appointment

This morning we took Kira to Dr. Raker for her two-month appointment.  Kira weighed in at 10 pounds, 3.5 ounces (35th percentile) and measured 22.5 inches long (58th percentile).  She also received her first round of immunizations: hepatitis B, Rotavirus (to prevent stomach flu), DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis); Hib (to protect against meningitis), pneumococcal (to protect against severe bacterial infections, ear infections, and meningitis), and polio.

Though Kira clearly is not feeling 100%, we managed to get in some good playtime this afternoon.

Ukrainian Christmas

As Baba is Ukrainian, we wanted to carry on her family tradition and celebrate Ukrainian Christmas.  So last weekend, Baba, Uncle Brandon, Pres, Kira & I enjoyed some delicious Ukrainian fare while Baba shared her family history.